Talal Gbamgbola

  • Patti Grace Smith Fellow, Class of 2022

  • University of Texas at Austin, Mechanical Engineering, ‘25

  • Host Institution: Virgin Orbit

A diligent and vocal student, Talal Gbamgbola is a first-year at The University of Texas at Austin pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering and possesses a particular interest in entrepreneurship. He has competed in design competitions such as Student Engineering Council's Makeathon with Chevron and Case Competition with General Motors to develop his technical and presentation skills. An active member of the National Society of Black Engineers' Freshman Action Team, he works closely with the leadership to participate and organize volunteering opportunities, social activities, and networking events. Additionally, he engages in Heman Sweatt, an organization dedicated to the empowerment and uplifting of black men at UT Austin. Talal plans to pursue his Masters in Business Administration and seeks to one day build a startup dedicated to the pursuit of sustainability through the Lunar and Martian economy.