Ihsaan El Amin

  • Patti Grace Smith Fellow, Class of 2024

  • Georgia Institute of Technology, Aerospace Engineering and Applied Physics, ‘25

  • Host Institution: Lockheed Martin

My name is Ihsaan El-Amin, currently a 4th year transfer student at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Before transferring to Georgia Tech, I spent three years at Morehouse College as a Dual Degree Engineering student. During my time at Morehouse, I was an active member of the AUC Dual Degree Engineering Program (DDEP), NSBE, NSBP, and had several research experiences in areas including Materials Science, Optics and Photonics, and Aerospace Engineering. My career aspirations are to continue to gain experience in the Aerospace industry while also further pursuing my educational goals of graduate school. I am an avid creative and have a deep passion for music and photography. I can spend hours listening or creating art or just messing around on my guitar and exploring the vast possibilities of sound and painting with light. In my free time I can be found playing chess, reading about the physics of the universe, playing an instrument, spending time with friends, or just learning about my newest random interests.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business.