Anthony Steven Johnson

  • Patti Grace Smith Fellow, Class of 2024

  • University of Maryland, College Park, Mechanical Engineering, ‘26

  • Host Institution: Muon Space

Anthony Johnson, a second-year Mechanical Engineering student at the University of Maryland, is passionate about electromechanical design. Engaging with SATFAB, an engineering club dedicated to crafting cubic satellites, he would design an antenna deployment system, allowing SATFAB’s computer system to communicate with their ground station. These components are scheduled for launch in 2025 with the US Naval Academy's Satellite Bus. Additionally as a TA at the University of Maryland, he guided 40 freshman engineering students in creating robots from scratch, finding fulfillment from the instructional experience. He aims to enhance his engineering expertise, collaborating with startups with the ultimate goal of establishing his own venture. He aspires to deepen his engagement with the National Society of Black Engineers, striving to improve accessibility to engineering for individuals from low-income and underrepresented backgrounds.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business.